<a href="tel:+211912351135">+211 912 351 135</a>  &nbsp &nbsp <a href="mailto:info@boss.gov.ss"> info@boss.gov.ss </a> &nbsp &nbsp <a href="https://login.microsoftonline.com/" target="_blank">Staff Email</a> &nbsp&nbsp <a href="https://web.facebook.com/BankOfSouthSudan"><i  fa-facebook"></i></a>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp <a href="https://twitter.com/bss_original"><i  fa-twitter"></i></a>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/banok-of-south-sudan/"><i  fa-linkedin"></i></a> +211 912 351 135     info@boss.gov.ss     Staff Email           


Understanding Money Supply in South Sudan

The monetary statistics presented here are based on monthly surveys conducted by the Bank of South Sudan (BoSS) and consolidated Depository Corporations (ODCs). These statistics track fluctuations in the money supply, which can impact economic activity and inflation.

A Reliance on Oil Revenue

South Sudan’s government revenue heavily depends on oil income, accounting for approximately 98%. This dependence creates challenges, as the government occasionally resorts to temporary advances and overdrafts from the BoSS to cover its expenses. Such actions can influence the money supply and potentially contribute to inflation.